Key Benefits
Affordable: More affordable than cloth napkins. Save on laundry costs.
Easily Availability: Come in varied designs, colours, quality and sizes.
Fresh and New Every Time: Hotel guests or restaurant visitors could use a fresh new napkin without worrying about residual stains. With paper napkins, you get to use fresh and germ-free napkin for every use. This rules out infection and enhances overall hygiene.
Utility: The purpose you intend to use the napkins for will also determine what kind you buy. We offer a wide range of paper napkins to suit your needs.
Promotional Purposes: Elevate your dining experience with customised paper napkins. We offer a range of branding options to help your business stand out.
Make the Right Choice: All our paper napkins are made from sustainably sourced paper. PEFC and FCS certified.
For more information about our Plastic Free range please visit our social responsibility section.
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