Premiere Platinum 25 Floor Polish 2x5ltr
Premiere Platinum 25 Floor Polish 2x5ltr
Platinum 25 is a 25% solids, gloss finish emulsion floor polish. An iconic product from Premiere, it delivers a hard wearing, yet highly slip resistant "wet look" protective professional finish. Platinum 25 is suitable for use on most hard floors and especially recommended for use on thermoplastic, vinyl, terrazzo, marble, stone and quarry tiles. DO NOT use on rubber or unsealed porous floors (i.e. unsealed wood). For the best finish, the application of 2 to 3 coats is recommended but its quick drying time of approx 30 minutes per coat ensures that minimum time is required.
Case Rate | 1x2 |
Size | 5ltr each |
Premiere Platinum 25 Floor Polish 2x5ltr
Platinum 25 is a 25% solids, gloss finish emulsion floor polish. An iconic product from Premiere, it delivers a hard wearing, yet highly slip resistant "wet look" protective professional finish. Platinum 25 is suitable for use on most hard floors and especially recommended for use on thermoplastic, vinyl, terrazzo, marble, stone and quarry tiles. DO NOT use on rubber or unsealed porous floors (i.e. unsealed wood). For the best finish, the application of 2 to 3 coats is recommended but its quick drying time of approx 30 minutes per coat ensures that minimum time is required.
Case Rate | 1x2 |
Size | 5ltr each |